Discover our SAP-certified solutions
Discover SUIM's SAP-certified solutions & services for all your user, policy and identity management needs.
Our suite helps you deal with an increasingly complex IT and regulatory landscape from a central platform – both in the cloud and on-premise.
Our suite helps you deal with an increasingly complex IT and regulatory landscape from a central platform – both in the cloud and on-premise.

Access, Authorizations, Governance & Risk Management
SUIM solutions replace manual processes with fast and secure processes - simplifying SAP roles and authorizations management. Reduce error, increase security and guarantee compliance by protecting your employee and customer data.

Identity Management
Increase your HR efficiency, synchronize employee data, and simplify complex identity management requirements with SUIM's automated processes and integrations via its easy-to-use central system.

Landscape Optimization
Reduce time spent on manual analysis and optimization tasks with adaptable RFCs and graphical interfaces customized by SUIM for your organization's individual system landscapes and workflows.

Service Management
Streamline service cost allocation with automation, precise transfer pricing and custom reports. Identify cost-saving opportunities with the bird's-eye view of your SAP licences usage and needs that SUIM offers.
18+ years
Founded in 2006, SUIM has been advising and delivering solutions to Switzerland’s largest organisations for nearly two decades.
17+ solutions
Our network of solutions is designed to work together to build a secure, reliable and flexible SAP solution - tailored to your demands.
500,000+ U.I.s
SUIM solutions run across over 1200 systems, streamlining authorizations management for
> 500,000 unique identities (U.I.s).
> 500,000 unique identities (U.I.s).
Build a connected SAP solution for your business’ unique system
Our SAP-certified solutions are designed to integrate SAP and non-SAP solutions to create a seamlessly connected system. Request a consultation with our expert team to explore how SUIM solutions align with your business needs, workflows and systems.