With each version of S4, SAP delivers a multitude of new Fiori Apps, making many transactions, web-dynpros and other objects obsolete. SUIM's Fiori App Recommendator (FAR) can alert you to changes, recommand new alternatives and automatically update your SAP roles and Fiori catalogues accordingly.
FAR makes it possible to speed up the role design process by including a file generated by the Fiori Apps Library according to the version of your S/4 system (ABAP and HANA) and performing comparisons between the transactions in your roles and the (SAP standard) apps.
SAP is evolving rapidly, and each new S/4 release includes more and more apps. The FAR simplifies the processes of role management enormously as a tool for decision making and automation of authorization requests. The FAR creates new frontend and backend roles based on your existing roles, simplifies the management of your catalogs and custom groups and checks if your services are active.
FAR centralization allows you to scan your roles on different S/4 versions and use the same process for all future upgrades.
Analyze roles in target systems and display the ICF and OData services needed for each role and whether they are enabled.
FAR considers the results of the Simplification DB (SYCM). With this tool, you can scan your roles and view obsolete transactions and drill down to SAP notes. The integration allows you to inform your security and module managers about the replacement of transactions. In addition, the level of usage of these transactions can be detected by the SUIM Application Tracer (AT).